Saturday, January 11, 2025

Covert Diploma to Certification - New Certifications 2025

New Certifications for Managers - Accredited Programs
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 GAFM Global Academy of Finance & Management ®  

In This Issue

1. New Certifications
2. Requirements
3. Accreditation
4. New Training
5. Free Newspaper
6. Books

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM o® wns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magzine. You can subscribe for free


The GAFM is the first certification body to achieve SIS & TUV Sanction and ISO 29990-29993 Educational Body Certification and later ESQ Europe Accreditation.


Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide

The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. 

ACBSP GAFM Agreement



APPLY TO BE CERTIFIED WITH YOUR EXISTING DEGREE AND CREDENTIALS.  * We offer professional designations and certifications to those who completed accredited exams and courses from accredited business schools worldwide under legal agreements.


Email Now with

Your Qualifying Resume for Certification

Email To:

The Accredited GAFM ® has several new certifications for qualified candidates.

  1. AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  2. ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ® 
  3. CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®
  4. MFP Master Financial Planner ®
  5. CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  6. AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®
  7. MMC Master Management Consultant ® 
  8. ChE Chartered Economist ®
  9. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® 
  10. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ®
  11. RBA Registered Business Analyst
  12. MPM Master Project Manager ®
  13. CHR Certified in Human Resources ®
  14. CHFP Chartered FinTech Professional ®

Accredited by the ECLBS, QAHE, IAO in Europe and ISO 21001 Certified for Education Training. ISO 29993 Certified and SIS Sanctioned for Education.

Announcement - The GAFM International Board of Standards is the 1st Certification Body to earn SIS Sanction and ECLBS/QAHE Accreditation and become ISO 9001, ISO 29990, ISO 29993,  & become ISO 21001 Certified or Educational Training Standards

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What do you need to be Approved? GAFM ®  Requires thes 3 things for Certification Approval

1) Accredited Graduate Degree or Masters Degree
2) 3 Years of Experience
3) Agree to Ethics and Continuing Education Requirements.
4) Those with an MBA, MSc, CPA or Law Degree or PhD can receive a waiver for certain designations and certifications


Email Your Resume for Certification Review 

Under the ACBSP Accreditation Agreement, you may apply directly. Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide - The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. ACBSP GAFM Agreement

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Accreditations of the GAFM ®

  1. CHE  Quality Standards Dept of Education
  2. SIS/IAS Accredited in Europe - Not affected by BREXIT
  3. ISO 9001 Certified - Accredited Quality Management Program
  4. ACBSP Standards Recognition.  Accreditation Standards for Certification. 1st in the World to have standards alliance with USA Business Accreditation Body.
  5. ISO Accredited Training - Bildungsnorm ISO 21001 Certified for Training and ISO 29993.
  6. Accredited by the QAHE and ECLBS
  7. Email to receive your review of your qualified resume and approval.

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Free Wealth Newspaper for Members

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM ® owns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magazine. You can subscribe for free

New Books - Wealth Management Books 

Wealth Management Guides

Making Money - Guide to Investing - How You Can Be a BadAss Intelligent Investor and Wealth Manager: Unshakeable Life Changing Financial Strategies ... (Making Money Guide to Investing Series #1) 


Online Certification Programs - We have several online programs that can be delivered to individuals and groups. Email us direclty if you need accredited certification training online.

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Financial Certification -  Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd
Box 293
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Fax: 419-828-4928


About LINKS - Recognition * Requirements * Certification * Education




To be removed from this list please visit manage subscription to unsubscribe.

Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Box 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Covert Diploma to Certification - New Certifications 2025

New Certifications for Managers - Accredited Programs
View this email as Webpage


 GAFM Global Academy of Finance & Management ®  

In This Issue

1. New Certifications
2. Requirements
3. Accreditation
4. New Training
5. Free Newspaper
6. Books

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM o® wns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magzine. You can subscribe for free


The GAFM is the first certification body to achieve SIS & TUV Sanction and ISO 29990-29993 Educational Body Certification and later ESQ Europe Accreditation.


Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide

The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. 

ACBSP GAFM Agreement



APPLY TO BE CERTIFIED WITH YOUR EXISTING DEGREE AND CREDENTIALS.  * We offer professional designations and certifications to those who completed accredited exams and courses from accredited business schools worldwide under legal agreements.


Email Now with

Your Qualifying Resume for Certification

Email To:

The Accredited GAFM ® has several new certifications for qualified candidates.

  1. AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  2. ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ® 
  3. CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®
  4. MFP Master Financial Planner ®
  5. CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  6. AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®
  7. MMC Master Management Consultant ® 
  8. ChE Chartered Economist ®
  9. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® 
  10. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ®
  11. RBA Registered Business Analyst
  12. MPM Master Project Manager ®
  13. CHR Certified in Human Resources ®
  14. CHFP Chartered FinTech Professional ®

Accredited by the ECLBS, QAHE, IAO in Europe and ISO 21001 Certified for Education Training. ISO 29993 Certified and SIS Sanctioned for Education.

Announcement - The GAFM International Board of Standards is the 1st Certification Body to earn SIS Sanction and ECLBS/QAHE Accreditation and become ISO 9001, ISO 29990, ISO 29993,  & become ISO 21001 Certified or Educational Training Standards

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What do you need to be Approved? GAFM ®  Requires thes 3 things for Certification Approval

1) Accredited Graduate Degree or Masters Degree
2) 3 Years of Experience
3) Agree to Ethics and Continuing Education Requirements.
4) Those with an MBA, MSc, CPA or Law Degree or PhD can receive a waiver for certain designations and certifications


Email Your Resume for Certification Review 

Under the ACBSP Accreditation Agreement, you may apply directly. Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide - The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. ACBSP GAFM Agreement

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Accreditations of the GAFM ®

  1. CHE  Quality Standards Dept of Education
  2. SIS/IAS Accredited in Europe - Not affected by BREXIT
  3. ISO 9001 Certified - Accredited Quality Management Program
  4. ACBSP Standards Recognition.  Accreditation Standards for Certification. 1st in the World to have standards alliance with USA Business Accreditation Body.
  5. ISO Accredited Training - Bildungsnorm ISO 21001 Certified for Training and ISO 29993.
  6. Accredited by the QAHE and ECLBS
  7. Email to receive your review of your qualified resume and approval.

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Free Wealth Newspaper for Members

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM ® owns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magazine. You can subscribe for free

New Books - Wealth Management Books 

Wealth Management Guides

Making Money - Guide to Investing - How You Can Be a BadAss Intelligent Investor and Wealth Manager: Unshakeable Life Changing Financial Strategies ... (Making Money Guide to Investing Series #1) 


Online Certification Programs - We have several online programs that can be delivered to individuals and groups. Email us direclty if you need accredited certification training online.

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Financial Certification -  Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd
Box 293
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Fax: 419-828-4928


About LINKS - Recognition * Requirements * Certification * Education




To be removed from this list please visit manage subscription to unsubscribe.

Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Box 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Cepat nya papa

 Rasa macam papa pergi kerja je. Sebab macam x percaya pon papa dah meninggal. Sebab tengok papa macam tidur. Masa mandikan papa tu siap suruh pap batuk lagi. Siap kepit hidung papa tak nak bagi air masuk hidung.

Papa, cepat nya papa pergi. Tapi kaklong rasa macam papa pergi kerja je. Papa balik deh esok 😒

Sunday, August 1, 2021


 Jumaat 30 July 2021 jam 2250pm baby facetime aku..

“Kaklong papa dah xde..”

Allah!! Sesuatu yang buat aku longlai! Sebabnya 1830pm aku dekat rumah mama sampai 2030pm. Sebab baby ckp papa lemah sangat2. Aku sampai aku jenguk papa, aku call ambulance. 1930 ambulance sampai, kkm team datang check papa. Oksigen below 100 which 40-91 up and down (di classify sebagai sesak nafas) gula rendah (hypo) dan tekanan darah (bp) yang tak stable. Doc cakap memang keadaan yang perlu untuk pergi hospital. So dorg cerita procedure hospital yang kena masuk covid zone first. Ya Allah! Serta merta aku disagreed. So sign surat menyatakan aku tak nak bawak papa pergi hospital 😒 time tu doc ada tanya if anything happens jantung terhenti, nak buat cpr tak? papa geleng sambil cakap xnak. Aku inform doc yang papa jurulatih jasmani pdrm so dia tahu impact cpr 😣 jadi mereka masih disitu pantau keadaan papa. Ok nampak macam ok. Tinggikan bantal sikit. Lepas tu papa macam nak relax. Aku cakap “Pa, kaklong balik boleh ke? Nak amek anak2 umah mamarose.” Papa berdehem “hmm” sambil pejam mata. Aku usap kaki papa, nak cium tak terdaya. Aku nak sangat cium papa, tapi papa xpernah bagi. Selama covid teruk dia mmg xbagi orang salam dan cium.

Aku balik, sampai rumah mandi and solat. Lepas tu aku makan. Tengah relaxkan badan sebab abe tengah mandi kezen aku call sebab aku tanya procedure dekat kpj. So dia dah liaise dengan specialist. Dia explain keadaan sebenar papa yang papa punya bacaan tu mmg x stable sebab kita tahu keadaan papa macam mana. Aku pon tahu. Then aku start wasap baby “ Kak yana call kaklong. Dia dah bercakap dengan specialist. Malas nak ckp depan mama nnt mama nangis.Papa sebenarnya mmg kaklong ngan papamama tahu papa stage 4. Mmg dah xde harapan. Tp td specialist inform kalau buat procedure buang air pon kejap je la ok dan ada jugak risiko papa meninggal masa buat. And bila dah jadi tak boleh buat apa. So klau papa xnak g hospital takpe. Just monitor 3 benda tu o2 gula n darah. Kalau ada jadi sesak nafas call dorg.” Dan dalam masa yang sama baby ckp papa macam xsedar. Keep dzikir dan sebut Allah Allah lepas tu diam. Pastu sambung dzikir. Aku suruh baby ajar mengucap. Aku siap2 aku jerit abe ajak g umah mama. Lepas tu baby call cakap papa dah xde. Allah3!! Alif call!! Sama. Aku suruh alif call 999. Sedih Allah je tahu. Semua adik2 ada kat rumah aku yang xde time papa pergi. Mungkin ada hikmah. Kenapalah aku xbawak je ayyub uthman sekali..semua jadi tanda tanya pada aku sebab sedih. Tapi aku tahu semua tu hikmah. Aku yang paling rapat dengan papa. Tahun ke 32 aku dengan papa. 

Tapi bila mama dan adik2 cerita pengakhiran papa, aku lega. Papa sempat solat isya, papa baca al mulk, papa bersembang dengan mama tentang redha dan maafkan semua nya, papa dzikir xberhenti. Dan ayat terakhir papa adalah khalimah syahadah “lailahailallah” dan terus papa lepas nafas dan pergi. Disamping pelukan isteri tercinta. Isteri yang tak pernah culas menjaga papa disaat papa tanggung kesakitan. Tak ade sekali dia meraung, merengek, meratap. Tak de. 

Suasana hari pengebumian yang sangat sayu. Kami semua 5 beradik diberi peluang memandikan papa. Termasuk 2 menantu dan 3 sepupu yatim piatu yang papa jaga. Total 10 semuanya yang uruskan papa mandi, papa dikafankan dan dikebumikan semua oleh kami 10orang anak papa. Sampaikan ahli jemaah surau cakap “kau ambil ni aku sebak.” Selalu yang kita jumpa orang yang mandikan mayat hati nya cekal. Tapi pakcik ni sebak tengok kami.

Allah, sesungguhnya aku bersyukur papa pergi dalam Husnul Khotimah. Dia tahu saat kematian dia, dia tanya harini hari apa. Dia berzikir sepanjang masa. Sempat al mulk. Dan ucapan terakhir adalah khalimah Allah.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Perkara pertama setiap hari

 Alhamdulillah pagi ni celik mata, masih diberi peluang untuk bernafas dan pandang anak2 yang masih tidur. Syukur ya Allah. Syukur diatas segala nikmat yang Allah berikan. Syukur masih dapat gaji walaupon kena potong seghibu 😭 xpa la. Syukur jugak, suami ku ada rezeki dia. Barang2 dapur xpernah sulas, duit pengasuh anak pon dia bayar. Yang paling best nya dia kan suka g eco rm2.10 tu kalau time dia free. Dia punya seronok masuk eco sampai aku pon tak tahu. Tahu2 ada cawan baru 🀣 Alhamdulillah syukur kehadrat ilahi dikurniakan suami yang sangat membantu dari segala sudut. Suami yang sangat bersabar, tak pernah nak menengking ke marah2 ke, aku yg selalu marah ade la sbb lapar 🀣 so conclusion nya dia xkan biarkan isteri dia lapar. Kalau lapar-habis.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Pregnant during pandemic

 We are expecting our fifth baby!!! And yes!! We are waiting for this tiny heartbeat. Alhamdulillah.. tapi agak takut la sebab pregnant masa pandemic ni bukan mudah.. at first plan nak check up private..sebab sumpah aku takut covid guys!! sekali ade historical issue so kena lah mengadap kk uolls! Tapi xpe check up kk sangatlah terperinci..suka sangat part tu.. Yang xsuka part menunggu bapak lama gila namati ye kawan2. Tapi tak ramai sana tak crowded la kk aku ni..

Ni bahagian outpatient la..kes kes lain mmg la ramai tapi tengok lah berapa banyak kerusi. Lepas tu bawah ni bahagian mak mengandung n mak2 anak kecik.. ini klinik kesihatan (kk) jinjang. Haaa bersih dan selesa. Ok la kan..dulu check up sjmc RM360-420 sekali check up ya tambah ubat obimin. Datang kk foc je haa..

Tapi  apa yang menariknya time ni la pemikiran aku baru nak creative. Yang dulu xpernah terfikir. Kencing dari rumah bawak urine bottle sampai kk mintak sticker nama je ye.

Betapa creative nya seorang aku sampai misi tanya. Awak dapat kat mana botol ni? Shopee la mader (boleh aku jawab gini ye.. And setiap kali mengandung adalah perangai2 ajaib aku yang keluar. Tadi mmg lama la tggu Kk dengan sarapan roti sekeping dengan milo je pkul 8 suku sampai pkul 11 baru jumpa doctor. Baru kena interview dengan doc 3minit, aku mintak nak baring. Sakit pinggang duduk lama. Apa lagi doc bagi landing time 15minit lepas tu baru dia datang scan 🀣

Ye kawan2 kena buat lembik mulut mintak dengan doctor and be honest. Lenguh cakap lenguh. Aku siap selfie siap boomerang siap boleh buat story la.. nasib bagi baring kalau dok mengadap mmg ku muntah jugak depan doc. Lama weh sumpah lama

Dan korang tolong la doakan aku dan anak yang aku kandung selamat dan dijauhkan dari c19 marbahaya ini. Aku xnak kena dan aku xnak family aku kena. Lepas tu tolong doakan yang ni girl please. Insyallah girl. Aminnn

Ya Allah Kau angkatlah bencana ini

 Guys..berat aku nak tulis ni but i have too..there have n space for me to express what I feel. My friend Saida Sazwa affected by c19 cat 5 and today she going thru again her second time intubated..with 20-25w(not sure) pregnancy and she’s fighting c19 😭😭 Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah sahabatku Saida Sazwa ya allah, sihatkanlah sahabatku ya allah, hilangkan virus c19 dari tubuh badan sahabatku ya allah. Sedih, takut sampai tak tahu aku nak cakap apa. Sedih sangat2 sebab ini kawan aku yg ke 2 yang dijangkiti c19 time pregnant..lepas tu x vacc lagi😭😭😭 Takut sebab aku pon tengah pregnant..tadi scan anak aku dalam perut pon gaya duduk tangan kat dahi macam tengah berfikir bila la c19 ni nak habis..insyallah 2minggu lagi aku dah boleh dapat date utk vaccine bila2 masa.. korg tolong doakan semua orang ok..

Saturday, September 21, 2019


What a life la today, marin baru baca cerita budak tercekik muffin. Pagi td biasa lah rutin harian mak suap anak porridge.. serentak suap ayyub and uthman tetibe ayyub bukak mulut cm nak nangis gitu..mak pon bijak pandai g suap porridge then suddenly dia macam tersedak dgn mulut nganga pastu mak pon apo laei. Angkat dia dr baby chair buat abdominals thrusts sempat aku hangkut masuk toilet!! Pastu sekali mak tepok belakang.. wey!!nasib baik mak kau ni ada cer pertolongan cemas cpr segala benda..
Guys!!or mak2 ayah2 yg terjadi bende ni..tolong2 perlu untuk anda jangan panic!! Tapi take a very2 fast action!!
Korang kalau nampak anak korg cm menjerit high pitch or xleh nafas or tersedak..cepat2 bend kan badan dorg atau bengkok kan then gosok2 tepuk belakang dlm 5kali then buat abdominals thrusts ni 3-5kali pastu ulang sampai la dia batuk or bahan yg dia tersedak tu keluar..walaupon hanya boleh practice untuk anak umur setahun keatas..
Yg kalau baby plak sama kena gosok2 tepuk belakang then tekan guna 2jari diantara tulang dada..ulang sampai dia leh nafas n muntah..please kalau xtaw call 999..and please jugak perlu tahu!!

Haaa buat macam ni!!! Tolong mak mak ayah ayah tua pon akan tercekik boleh guna tactic ni..insyallah dgn ilmu yang ada ni..boleh share la