
Hi sayang sayang sekalian! You want to contact me eh?? Okay if you want to ask merandom things or say just say hi please do so at my public FaceBook page for prompt (I try my hardest) reply. 

Or somewhere rather private (it's up to you) you can email me at lilyfadhilah.loveuniquestyle@blogger.com or  lilyfadhilah@gmail.com (might not get immediate reply, sebab bersilang-silang berselang-selang berharu-biru dengan FB, Form Spring,Twitter, Tumblr bagai updates and spam menang nombor bagai ye sayang-sayang 

Last but not least ye sayang-sayang..if u want to kawen or bertunang..nak make up2 bagai..pelamin catering, fotographer bagai la...contact my hot mama oke... Kak Nik . 

Easiest way to reach me would be of course, my Twitter at Lily Fadhilah and same goes with the Formspring at Lily Fadhilah . And tumblr at this tumblr saye . See you there babe!! With lot of love!!