Or somewhere rather private (it's up to you) you can email me at lilyfadhilah.loveuniquestyle@blogger.com or lilyfadhilah@gmail.com (might not get immediate reply, sebab bersilang-silang berselang-selang berharu-biru dengan FB, Form Spring,Twitter, Tumblr bagai updates and spam menang nombor bagai ye sayang-sayang
Last but not least ye sayang-sayang..if u want to kawen or bertunang..nak make up2 bagai..pelamin catering, fotographer bagai la...contact my hot mama oke... Kak Nik .
Easiest way to reach me would be of course, my Twitter at Lily Fadhilah and same goes with the Formspring at Lily Fadhilah . And tumblr at this tumblr saye . See you there babe!! With lot of love!!