Friday, June 7, 2013

so? what?

dear blog..
aku friendly. kita friendly. kau friendly. tapi xsemua boleh terima the word of 'friendly'. why? sbb ada satu lingkungan / barriers/ wall yang jd gap kat situ. xsemua orang berfikiran sama macam apa yang kita fikir. kita rasa benda tu biasa.orang lain rasa? luar biasa? attitude problems? and what so ever. tapi, aku xkesah orang nak pk apa. aku rasa selagi benda tu b aku xsalah and just kawan biasa. its oke.
mulut orang, biasa la selagi boleh mengapi2 semua benda nak diapikan. btw i don't care and don't ever care what people thinks and say about me because i know who am i. what attitude that i have, what is my habit and how do i act. my behavior is because of my habit. my habit came out from my attitude. my attitude is come from the way im thinking. i am the person that like to think and stay out of the box. so please, if u want to talk about me, please welcome.

but can u note this 

"aku bukan jenis yang puji masa sayang dan maki masa benci."


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