Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Parent, Kids and Money"

This is my first assessment..i need to do a journal for any article on any magazine or what else...if u free just read and u should b able to comment or correct (tell my mistake)...thank you
"Focusing on this which one prepares to introduce a new family member, as well as in equipped one's offspring with need financial literacy to cope well in life. The careful budgeting can make the parents for new family member an easy transition, but you should understand where your money is currently going to. Moving forward to insurance that need to protect your family, likewise when having a child is the need for additional health insurance coverage. What the important is the type of maternity coverage is offered the time frame. So, you should have an estate planning which is distribute and preserve. Now days, many parents even plan for their child's education from the point of birth. You need to have a saving for look at the big picture. These include unit trusts, life assurance investment, share portfolios, property and bank saving products. To select investment that offer better probability of higher return with manageable risk is when the child still young. Most important issues, is which even rich parent forget or deem unnecessary to consider that parents can plan their heart out and have all the fund in the world but they forget ans say "If you don't teach children about money, someone else will and the result may not be what you desire." Remind that we are talk about financial literacy, not a score. To conclude, you have to making the decision whether you as a parent need to save a money for your kids or not."

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